
Showing posts with the label herbal blood purifier

Elz-Pure Syrup: Ayurvedic/Herbal Blood Purifier Syrup

Blood purifier is used to purify blood. Our body has its own system to clean and heal itself. But sometime it doesn't work due to many factors. Blood purifier herbs work through kidney and liver to clean blood. Main indications for blood purifiers are acne, itching, eczema etc. Elz-Pure is one of the best combination of herbs that are used to clean blood and keep you healthy. Herbs have multiple properties. They affect many parts of body and the herbs that support liver and kidneys will help in cleaning blood. Causes of Blood Impurity: Many factors lead to blood impurity like poor dieting, junk foods, stress, lack of exercise, Kidney/Liver problems, pollution and exposure to many chemicals in daily life. Certain medicines and their by products also leads to blood impurity. Few medical conditions also lead to blood impurities. Constipation, Lack of digestion etc also play role in impure blood. How do herbs clean blood:  There is many theory that suggests how do herbs clean b...