
Showing posts with the label Health Tips for stronger and Healthy Body

Classical Ayurvedic preparations that are used at large scale.

Today we will discuss about the Ayurvedic Products that are widely used and distributed throughout India and world. These are classic preparations that are based at ancient study and prepared according to Ayurveda Technology. Along with preparations, we are also mentioning common uses of these. Here we are mentioning top most selling ayurvedic classic products: Ø   Chyawanprash  ('All-in-One' rejuvenating, age-sustaining and immunostimulant tonic) Ø   Triphala Churna  (Mild laxative, antibacterial) Ø   Dashmularishta   (Female reproductive health normaliser after delivery, general tonic for females) Ø   Ashokarishta   (Menstrual cycle regulator ) Ø   Lavan Bhaskar Churna   (Digestive, carminative) Ø   Sitopaladi Churna   (Bronchial antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant, with honey) Ø   Arjunarishta   (Cardioprotective, hypocholesterolemic) Ø   Ashwagandharishta   (Anti-stress and nervine tonic) Ø   Shankhapushpi Syrup   (Tonic for mental fac

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy." A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results. Reiki is a simple, n

Harmful effects of Excessive use of Antibiotics Drugs use :

An antibiotic is an agent that either kills or inhibits the growth of a  microorganism The term  antibiotic  was first used in 1942 by  Selman Waksman  and his collaborators in journal articles to describe any substance produced by a microorganism that is  antagonistic  to the growth of other microorganisms in high dilution...... As the availability of antibiotic increased, there is also increase in misuse of antibiotics. Antibiotic is playing life saving drugs role in modern time. But resistance of body to antibiotics is major problem for all antibiotics.  If you think antibiotic resistance isn't a problem or doesn't affect you, think again. Antibiotics are effective against bacterial infections, certain fungal infections and some kinds of parasites. Antibiotics don't work against viruses. So for every illness use of antibiotics is not reasonable. Main Problems with antibiotic over use : 1. Antibiotic Resistance bacterial diseases 2. Destruction of bene

Monsoon fever can be deceptive

Monsoon fever can be deceptive In the current season any episode of fever should not be taken lightly as many diseases can cause fever, the commonest being viral, malaria, dengue or Chikungunya. However, fever can also be due to viral jaundice or typhoid. Here are a few tips: Unless you suspect typhoid, no antibiotics are required. Viral fever is associated with cough, redness of the eyes or nasal discharge. Dengue will have fever with rash and pain in eye movement. Chikungunya is a triad of fever, rash and joint pain. Typically the joint pain will increase on compression of the joint. Typically, the fever in malaria comes with chills and rigors and will have normal phase in between two episodes of fever. Fever in jaundice disappears once the jaundice appears. Typhoid fever is often continuous with relatively low pulse rate and with toxic feeling. Precautions No antibiotics are required unless there is a feel

Garlic in cancer

 Several compounds in garlic may have anti-cancer properties, but compounds of one type in particular—the allyl sulfur compounds—are said to play a major role. These compounds reportedly help the body get rid of cancer-causing chemicals and help cause cancer cells to die naturally, a process called apoptosis. There have also been claims that garlic has immune-boosting properties that may reduce cancer cell growth and help the body fight off diseases such as colds or the flu. These claims are currently being studied. Garlic is currently under study for its ability to reduce cancer risk. However, there is not enough evidence at this time to support eating large amounts of garlic or taking garlic supplements for cancer prevention.

5 ways to boost bone strength early

Ø Monitor your diet.   Get enough calcium and vitamin D, ideally through the foods you eat. Although dairy products may be the richest sources of calcium, a growing number of foods, such as orange juice, are calcium–fortified. Fruits, vegetables, and grains provide other minerals crucial to bone health, such as magnesium and phosphorus. Ø Maintain a reasonable weight.   This is particularly important for women. Menstrual periods often stop in women who are underweight — due to a poor diet or excessive exercise — and that usually means that estrogen levels are too low to support bone growth. Ø Don’t smoke, and limit alcohol intake.   Smoking and too much alcohol both decrease bone mass. Ø Make sure your workouts include weight–bearing exercises.   Regular weight–bearing exercise like walking, dancing, or step aerobics can protect your bones. Also include strength training as part of your exercise routine. Ø Talk with your doctor about your risk factors.   Certai

Vitamin D intake associated with reduced risk for Crohn’s disease

Vitamin D intake associated with reduced risk for Crohn’s disease Increased intake of vitamin D may significantly reduce the risk for Crohn’s disease (CD) in women, according to an article published online December 12 and in the March issue of the journal Gastroenterology. This study involved 72,719 women who returned the 1986 questionnaire. They had data on both vitamin D intake and physical activity and did not have a history of CD or UC. Diagnosis of CD was based on a typical history of 4 weeks or longer and was confirmed by radiologic, endoscopic, or surgical evaluation. The diagnosis of ulcerative colitis (UC) was based on typical clinical presentation of 4 weeks or more and endoscopic, radiologic, or surgical evaluation. Mean age of the participants at baseline was 53 years, mean body mass index (BMI) was 25.4 kg/m2, mean physical activity was 13.2 metabolic hours per week, 94.5% were white and 36.6% never smoked. A

5 steps to lower Alzheimer’s risk (HealthBeat)

5 steps to lower Alzheimer’s risk ( HealthBeat ) Maintain a healthy weight. Check your waistline. Eat mindfully. Emphasize colorful, vitamin-packed vegetables and fruits; whole grains; fish, lean poultry, tofu, and beans and other legumes as protein sources; plus healthy fats. Cut down on unnecessary calories from sweets, sodas, refined grains like white bread or white rice, unhealthy fats, fried and fast foods, and mindless snacking. Keep a close eye on portion sizes, too. Exercise regularly. Aim for 2½ to 5 hours weekly of brisk walking (at 4 mph) or try a vigorous exercise like jogging (at 6 mph) for half that time. Keep an eye on important health numbers. In addition to watching your weight and waistline, keep a watch on your cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, and blood sugar numbers