Home/Ayurvedic treatment of Constipation
Home/Ayurvedic treatment of Constipation: Constipation is considered as mother of all diseases. Eating healthy is important but that should be digested easily and purely, and wastage should be easily come out from body. This process keeps human healthy and prevents from diseases. We take medication regularly to get relief from constipation. But in our kitchen, all remedies are available that prevents constipation. So, why to take medication while we prevent constipation easily? Try out following home remedies to keep it easy in morning. 1. Fully ripped tomato juice gives relief in old constipation and also provides strengths to the intestine. 2. Take 1 to 2 teaspoonful of Linseed seed before sleep at night will clear your stomach. 3. Put Anjir in water overnight and eat it empty stomach clears the stomach 4. Carrot’s juice prevents constipation if drinks daily. It also prevents from Piles. ...