
Showing posts with the label home remedies for skin

Elz-Pure Syrup: Ayurvedic/Herbal Blood Purifier Syrup

Blood purifier is used to purify blood. Our body has its own system to clean and heal itself. But sometime it doesn't work due to many factors. Blood purifier herbs work through kidney and liver to clean blood. Main indications for blood purifiers are acne, itching, eczema etc. Elz-Pure is one of the best combination of herbs that are used to clean blood and keep you healthy. Herbs have multiple properties. They affect many parts of body and the herbs that support liver and kidneys will help in cleaning blood. Causes of Blood Impurity: Many factors lead to blood impurity like poor dieting, junk foods, stress, lack of exercise, Kidney/Liver problems, pollution and exposure to many chemicals in daily life. Certain medicines and their by products also leads to blood impurity. Few medical conditions also lead to blood impurities. Constipation, Lack of digestion etc also play role in impure blood. How do herbs clean blood:  There is many theory that suggests how do herbs clean b...

एक्‍ने की समस्‍या से निपटने के लिए आजमायें आयुर्वेद

  युवावस्था में हार्मोंस में बदलाव के कारण होती है एक्‍ने की समस्‍या।     सिबेशस ग्रंथि की अति सक्रियता और हार्मोन के कारण होते हैं एक्‍ने।     गाय के ताजे दूध में चिरौंजी को पीसकर इसका लेप चेहरे पर लगायें।     चमेली के तेल को सुहागा में मिलाकर रात को सोने से पहले लगायें। अगर चेहरे पर मुंहासों के जैसे बहुत सारे दाने , हो जाएं और बहुत दिनों तक ठीक न हों तो जरा सावधान हो जाइए। यह एक्ने हो सकते हैं। एक्ने को आयुर्वेदिक उपचार से ठीक किया जा सकता है। दरअसल त्वचा के नीचे स्थित सिबेशस ग्लैंड्स से त्वचा को नम रखने के लिए एक तेल निकलता है। ये ग्रंथियां चेहरे , पीठ , छाती और कंधों पर सबसे ज्यादा होते हैं। अगर ये ज्यादा सक्रिय हो जाएं तो रोमछिद्र चिपचिपे होकर बंद हो जाते हैं और उनमें बैक्टीरिया पनपने लगते हैं जो आगे चलकर एक्ने का कारण बनते हैं। सिबेशस ग्लैंड्स की अति सक्रियता की प्रमुख वजह एंड्रोजन हार्मोन की अधिकता होती है। एंड्रोजन पुरुष सेक्स हार्मोन है और यह लड़के और लड़कियों दोनों में ही होता है। किशोरावस्था में इसका प्रभाव ज्यादा होता है। आइए हम ...

Papaya for the pimple prone

Papaya is an essential ingredient in a lot of beauty products on the market today, but theres no need to go out of your way to gain its benefits? Plain raw papaya is an all-natural acne remedy that removes dead skin cells and excess lipids from the surface of the skin, leaving it soft and smooth. Lipids are a general term for fats, of which oil is a form of. Papaya also contains an enzyme called papain, which reduces inflammation and helps prevent  the pus from forming. You will need… -1 fresh papaya Directions Rinse your face with water and pat dry. Mash up the flesh of the papaya well, until it is of a consistency that can be easily applied to your skin. Leave it on for 15--20 minutes, and then rinse off completely with warm water. If your skin has a tendency to get dry after you cleanse it, use a moisturizer appropriate for your skin type afterwards. Ayurvedic Products List: Best Liver dysfunction treatment and Jaundice treatment Female cordial syrup/complete women ton...

Remedies to treat the butt pimple and have beautiful Butt

Natural oil Using coconut oil on the butt pimple is nothing but a natural way of treating the problem with great care. Coconut oil helps to cure the butt pimples effectively so use it to get benefited by it. Honey treatment A nature’s gift honey is an excellent solution to cure many skin problems including butt pimples. It is also believed to cure wounds with its medicinal properties. So it is one of the remedy to cure butt pimple. Baking soda One of the best effective remedy you can try at home is using baking soda. Prepare a thick paste out of the baking soda and water. Keep this paste on the pimple and lie down on your belly. Hold it for about 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse off. This remedy cleans and treats the butt pimple in few fast days. Maintain hygiene Maintaining hygiene is a precise way to prevent the happening of many problems. Bacteria which is the main cause of pimple can born and live on any medium. It grows fast by feeding on the sebum.So make choice...

Acne Care Treatment - Make your skin free of acne

It is an inflammatory condition of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles which primarily targets teenagers. Common symptoms are blackheads, pimples, small superficial sebaceous cysts and scars affect your forehead, temples, cheeks, chin, chest, back and in rare cases the whole body. Main causes are irregular hours of eating, excessive consumption of starch, sugar, fried & fatty foods. Treatment: The main herbs used in the treatment are Cinnamom, Sandalwood, Turmeric for local application Neem (Azadirachta indica) Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). Avoid excess meat, sugar, tea or coffee, condiments, pickles, soft drinks, candies, ice cream, refined and processed foods. Have lots of lemon juice, corriander soup, mint juice & water. Go for a fat-less diet with plenty of green salads and fruits. Apply crushed orange peel or paste of fenugreek or a mixed paste of sandalwood & turmeric on affected area. Wash your face with lukewarm water, with a Neem based ...

चर्म रोगनाशक दवा

त्वचा पर खुजली चलने , दाद हो जाने , फोड़े-फुंसी हो जाने पर खुजा-खुजाकर हाल बेहाल हो जाता है और लोगों के सामने शर्म भी आती है। यदि आप कोई क्रीम या दवा लगाना न चाहें या लगाने पर भी आराम न हो तो घर पर ही यह चर्म रोगनाशक तेल बनाकर लगाएँ , इससे यह व्याधियाँ दूर हो जाती हैं। तेल बनाने की विधि : नीम की छाल , चिरायता , हल्दी , लाल चन्दन , हरड़ , बहेड़ा , आँवला और अड़ूसे के पत्ते , सब समान मात्रा में। तिल्ली का तेल आवश्यक मात्रा में। सब आठों द्रव्यों को 5-6 घंटे तक पानी में भिगोकर निकाल लें और पीसकर कल्क बना लें। पीठी से चार गुनी मात्रा में तिल का तेल और तेल से चार गुनी मात्रा में पानी लेकर मिलाकर एक बड़े बरतन में डाल दें। इसे मंदी आंच पर इतनी देर तक उबालें कि पानी जल जाए सिर्फ तेल बचे। इस तेल को शीशी में भरकर रख लें। जहाँ भी खुजली चलती हो , दाद हो वहाँ या पूरे शरीर पर इस तेल की मलिश करें। यह तेल चमत्कारी प्रभाव करता है। लाभ होने तक यह मालिश जारी रखें , मालिश स्नान से पहले या सोते समय करें और चमत्कार देखें।

How to get fresh and shining skin with your kitchen item?

Using expensive skin lotions and products is not necessary to get glowing skin. Most of skin products contain highly dangerous chemicals that can cause skin cancer, and effects the normal functioning of skin. In starting these products can give excellence result but after regular use, you will only find dry and rough skin. Here we are providing few nature remedies for your glowing skin. These remedies not only provide you better results even these are safe and without any side effects at your skin: Ø   Mix milk and Arnadi oil in equal quantity and give gently massage to whole body. This massage will provide glowing skin. Ø   Two spoons of honey, juice of half a lemon, ½ teaspoons of sugar. Apply this on the face and once it is dry wash it off. This acts like a cleanser and a scrub. After this apply one small spoon of Almond oil mixed with a spoon of milk cream. Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash off. For those above 35 years, use a little more oil. Ø ...