
Showing posts from April, 2015

हाई ब्‍लड प्रेशर के लिए घरेलू नुस्‍खे

हाई ब्‍लड प्रेशर के लिए घरेलू नुस्‍खे हाई ब्लड प्रेशर आजकल सामान्य हो चला है। इसकी बड़ी वजह अनियमित दिनचर्या और आधुनिक जीवन शैली है। ग्रामीण इलाकों की तुलना में शहरी लोग अधिक तेजी से इसके शिकार हो रहे हैं। हाई ब्लड प्रेशर में चक्कर आने लगते हैं , सिर घूमने लगता है। रोगी का किसी काम में मन नहीं लगता। उसमें शारीरिक काम करने की क्षमता नहीं रहती और रोगी अनिद्रा का शिकार रहता है। इस रोग का घरेलू उपचार भी संभव है , जिनके सावधानीपूर्वक इस्तेमाल करने से बिना दवाई लिए इस भयंकर बीमारी पर पूर्णत: नियंत्रण पाया जा सकता है। जरूरत है संयमपूर्वक नियम पालन की। आइए जानें हाई ब्लड प्रेशर के लिए घरेलू उपाय। हाई ब्लड प्रेशर के लिए घरेलू उपाय 1) नमक ब्लड प्रेशर बढाने वाला प्रमुख कारक है। इसलिए यह बात सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है कि हाई बी पी वालों को नमक का प्रयोग कम कर देना चाहिए। 2) उच्च रक्तचाप का एक प्रमुख कारण होता है रक्त का गाढा होना। रक्त गाढा होने से उसका प्रवाह धीमा हो जाता है। इससे धमनियों और शिराओं में दवाब बढ जाता है। लहसुन ब्लड प्रेशर ठीक करने में बहुत मददगार घरेलू उपाय है। यह रक्त का थक्का

Home treatment of Chest and Throat diseases!!!!

First Drug: Turmeric is beast medicine for every problem of throat. In Diseases like throat pain, throat itching, cough, tonitilis, one should take half spoon of raw turmeric juice, drop it in your mouth. Seat down silently for some time. This turmeric will go slowly to throat. Single use of this will provide significant relief in all throat problems. In cough, this turmeric juice provides quick relief. Second Drug: Ginger. Place one small piece of ginger into your mouth. Cough will be stopped immediately. If having severe cough, then add equal quantity of betel juice in ginger juice. Add honey or Gudh in it. Warm it slightly and drink it. Pomegranate juice is good remedy for cough if drink in warm form. Crush black pepper in mouth and drink warm water afterward. Cough will be stopped. Drink half cough of Cow’s fresh urine, empty stomach, treats asthma and even T.B. if used regularly for six months. Cinnamon powder is effective for Asthma. In half teaspoonful


AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT – It is extremely important before starting the treatment if we know if there is any cause for the high blood pressure. The treatment aimed at removing the cause would be the most successful one. There are many herbs which act in different ways to control or lower down the high values of the blood pressure. Few of them are — PUNARNAVA – this is a herb having two varieties, red and white. The red one is called Boerhavia diffusa and it is extremely useful in these cases. this herb has a special action on the kidneys to normalize their physiology and because the main control system for the blood pressure is through the enzyme renin secreted by the kidneys, so it helps to bring the high blood pressure to normal. SHANKHAPUSHPI – this a herb very famous usually as a memory booster but it specifically act through the nervous system and acts on the baroreceptors in the carotid veins and brings them to their normal physiology so that they are ale to cont

Acne Care Treatment - Make your skin free of acne

It is an inflammatory condition of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles which primarily targets teenagers. Common symptoms are blackheads, pimples, small superficial sebaceous cysts and scars affect your forehead, temples, cheeks, chin, chest, back and in rare cases the whole body. Main causes are irregular hours of eating, excessive consumption of starch, sugar, fried & fatty foods. Treatment: The main herbs used in the treatment are Cinnamom, Sandalwood, Turmeric for local application Neem (Azadirachta indica) Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). Avoid excess meat, sugar, tea or coffee, condiments, pickles, soft drinks, candies, ice cream, refined and processed foods. Have lots of lemon juice, corriander soup, mint juice & water. Go for a fat-less diet with plenty of green salads and fruits. Apply crushed orange peel or paste of fenugreek or a mixed paste of sandalwood & turmeric on affected area. Wash your face with lukewarm water, with a Neem based

Home remedies for Deafness

Method 1:  Put drops of bitter almond Or Dusmool or walnut’s oil in ear. It provides relief in deafness. Method 2: Add little rock salt in fresh cow’s urine. Drop it into ear will give results in eight days. Method 3: Take equal quantity of bitter gourd and black cumin. Grind juice of these with water. Put 2-3 drops of this juice in ear morning and evening daily. This shows good results in deafness. Method 4: If hearing is poor Use 3-3 drops of Panch-Gun oil three times a day Use 2-2 pills of Sariwadi vati three times a day Do not let constipation, Do not Eating yogurt, banana, fruit and dessert Best Herbal Products Links Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Liver Tonic Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Uterine/cordial Tonic Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Sexual capsule and oil Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Pain relief capsules and oil Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Alkaliser syrup Best Herbal/Ayurvedic stone tablet and  Tonic Best Herbal/Ayurvedic hair growth oil and Shampoo

Foods and techniques effective in Epilepsy

Epilepsy can be occur due to many reasons like current shock, use of narcotic drugs, head injury, viral fever, neurological disorders, brain tumor etc. Mental stress and excessive physical work can harm to the patient. Few home or traditional ways that can control disease effectively but one should also consult doctor. 1.     Grape’s juice is considered to be effective treatment in Epilepsy. Half kg grapes juice should be taken in morning empty stomach. This process shows very good results in six months. 2.     Covering whole body with mud shows great results. Patient should take bath after one hour. It reduces frequency of episodes. 3.     Mix 50 gm Rosemary leave’s juice in nanny goat’s 250 ml milk. Take it empty stomach in morning. Episodes frequency will reduce within two weeks. 4.     Eat 20 leaves of Tulsi daily. It provides good relief. 5.     Butter from cow’s milk is beneficial in epilepsy. Eat 10 gm daily. 6.     Pumpkin’s juice gives good result in epilep

How to improve sex power and semen concentration with the help of herbs

Method 1: Tulsi seeds: 15 gm Safed Musli: 30 gm Convert into powder. Add 60 gm sugar candy. Fill it into glass bottle. Take 5 gm of mixture daily with cow milk two time in a day. It increases power and stamina. Method 2: Garlic; 200 gm Honey: 60 ml. Mix both well. Fill it in clean bottle. Place it for 31 days inside grain stock. After 31 days, take 10 gm daily for 40 days. It increases libido and sex power. Method 3: 1 gm Nutmeg powder cures sex weakness in few days if taken every morning with fresh water. Method 4: 2 gm Cinnamon with milk if taken in morning and evening increases semen concentration and cures sex weakness. Method 5: Eat 2-3 Dates daily after frying with Cow Ghee. After this drink milk containing sugar and Cardamom. Best Herbal Products Links Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Liver Tonic Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Uterine/cordial Tonic Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Sexual capsule and oil Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Pain relief capsules and oil Best Her

What to do to prevent from heart and coronary artery disease

Heart problem is becoming worldwide problem. Number of patients suffering from heart disease is increasing day by day. Treatment of heart diseases is expensive and lifelong. It is better to prevent than cure. Here we are discussing health tips for preventing heart diseases: Items Required: Lemon Ginger Garlic Apple How to prepare best remedy for prevention for healthy heart: Take: Lemon juice: 1 cup Ginger juice; 1 cup Garlic Juice 1 cup Apple juice: 1 cup Mix all and warm it at low flames till 3 cup of liquid remained. Keep it to cool. Mix 3 cups of honey in this mixture. Fill it in bottle and take 1 to 2 teaspoonful daily in morning and evening… Best Herbal Products Links BestHerbal/Ayurvedic Liver Tonic Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Uterine/cordial Tonic Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Sexual capsule and oil Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Pain relief capsules and oil Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Alkaliser syrup Best Herbal/Ayurvedic stone tablet and  Tonic Best Herbal/Ayurvedi

Ayurvedic Treatment of high Cholesterol level

ये याद रखिये की भारत मैं सबसे ज्यादा मौते कोलस्ट्रोल बढ़ने के कारण हार्ट अटैक से होती हैं। आप खुद अपने ही घर मैं ऐसे बहुत से लोगो को जानते होंगे जिनका वजन व कोलस्ट्रोल बढ़ा हुआ हे। अमेरिका की कईं बड़ी बड़ी कंपनिया भारत मैं दिल के रोगियों (heart patients) को अरबों की दवाई बेच रही हैं ! लेकिन अगर आपको कोई तकलीफ हुई तो डॉक्टर कहेगा angioplasty (एन्जीओप्लास्टी) करवाओ। इस ऑपरेशन मे डॉक्टर दिल की नली में एक spring डालते हैं जिसे stent कहते हैं। यह stent अमेरिका में बनता है और इसका cost of production सिर्फ 3 डॉलर (रू.150-180) है। इसी stent को भारत मे लाकर 3-5 लाख रूपए मे बेचा जाता है व आपको लूटा जाता है। डॉक्टरों को लाखों रूपए का commission मिलता है इसलिए व आपसे बार बार कहता है कि angioplasty करवाओ। Cholestrol, BP ya heart attack आने की मुख्य वजह है, Angioplasty ऑपरेशन। यह कभी किसी का सफल नहीं होता। क्यूँकी डॉक्टर, जो spring दिल की नली मे डालता है वह बिलकुल pen की spring की तरह होती है। कुछ ही महीनो में उस spring की दोनों साइडों पर आगे व पीछे blockage (cholestrol व fa

पानी अमृत है या जहर

 पानी अमृत है या जहर 🙏     ये जानना बहुत जरुरी है ... हम पानी क्यों ना पीये खाना खाने के बाद। क्या कारण है | हमने दाल खाई, हमने सब्जी खाई, हमने रोटी खाई, हमने दही खाया लस्सी पी , दूध,दही छाझ लस्सी फल आदि|, ये सब कुछ भोजन के रूप मे हमने ग्रहण किया ये सब कुछ हमको उर्जा देता है और पेट उस उर्जा को आगे ट्रांसफर करता है | पेट मे एक छोटा सा स्थान होता है जिसको हम हिंदी मे कहते है "अमाशय"  उसी स्थान का संस्कृत नाम है "जठर"| उसी स्थान को अंग्रेजी मे कहते है " epigastrium "| ये एक थेली की तरह होता है और यह जठर हमारे शरीर मे सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि सारा खाना सबसे पहले इसी मे आता है। ये बहुत छोटा सा स्थान हैं इसमें अधिक से अधिक 350GMS खाना आ सकता है | हम कुछ भी खाते सब ये अमाशय मे आ जाता है| आमाशय मे अग्नि प्रदीप्त होती है उसी को कहते हे"जठराग्न"। |ये जठराग्नि है वो अमाशय मे प्रदीप्त होने वाली आग है ।  ऐसे ही पेट मे होता है जेसे ही आपने खाना खाया की जठराग्नि प्रदीप्त हो गयी | यह ऑटोमेटिक है,जेसे ही अपने रोटी का पहला टु

12 Benefits of Aloe-Vera juice

Aloe Vera Juice: 1.     Aloe-Vera contains 18 elements, 15 amino acids and 12 vitamins etc. This increases blood hemoglobin level and helps in improving body immune system. Aloe-Vera also purifies blood. 2.     Having 3 to 4 tsb of Aloe-Vera juice helps in providing energy and strength to complete daily work easily. 3.     Aloe-Vera juice helps in constipation 4.     Aloe-Vera juice is effective in skin diseases, pimples, black marks, dark circles and wrinkles etc. 5.     Mix Aloe-Vera Juice with Mehndi. Apply it to hair will provide best results. 6.     Aloe-Vera maintains blood sugar level. It is effective in piles, diabetes, GI disorders and women diseases. 7.     Aloe-Vera juice reduces the frequency of diseases occur due to bite of mosquitoes. 8.     Aloe-Vera juice increases the white blood cells concentration in blood. 9.     Aloe-Vera helps in maintaining skin moisture. 10.   Aloe-Vera juice reduces pain in ortho-arthritis. 11

How to prepare Rose water at your home?

How to prepare Rose water at your home? 1.        Collect fresh rose petals from rose two to three hours after sunrise. 2.       Wash them thoroughly with water so dust or other particles have removed. 3.       Take a glass pot (Size according to your need) 4.       Fill this pot half with rose petals. 5.       Add just enough water to cover the petals. 6.       Cover the pot with a lid. 7.       Put this pot at flame and warm it at low temperature. 8.       Warm it till petals lost their color and water become pinkish. 9.       Strain water and collect in a container. Store it in a refrigerator. You can use this Rose water to give gift to your friends and relatives... Homemade rose water will prevent you from chemicals that are used to make rose water at factories. You will also have choice to choose flowers from which you want to form rose water. Make your own roe water and get glowing skin….