
Showing posts with the label Home Remedies (घरेलू उपचार)


Most of persons have complain regarding sex problems. They always complain about premature ejaculation. Sex is an important part of married life. Premature Ejaculation can be occur due to many factors like smoking, irregular diet, masturbation, porn movies, drinking etc. For preventing premature ejaculation, you can try following things: 1. Don't eat and drink any thing before sex. 2. Try to keep your stop clean. Avoid constipation. Constipation is mother of all problems. 3. Eat Raisins and Walnuts at regular basis. 4. Daily exercise can prevent you from premature ejaculation. 5. Meditate for at least 10 min daily. This will prevent you from over excitement and help in concentrated sex. 6. Spend time in fore play. It will help you to prevent over excitement and make you easy during sex. 7. Try stop-start technique e.g. if you doing sex. Between sex stop for some time and start again. Repeat this process. It will increase your ejaculation time. 8. Take bath before sex t...

OrthoZac Gold(ओर्थोज़क गोल्ड)-Ayurvedic Pain relief Oil

Best Treatment of Joint pain and Ortho Arthritis / Gout OrthoZac Gold(ओर्थोज़क गोल्ड)-Ayurvedic Pain relief Oil OrthoZac (ओर्थोज़क) is well known ayurvedic medicine used in joint pain, shandi shoath and shandi shul etc conditions. OrthoZac Gold oil is manufactured under supervision of Elzac Herbal India – A well repute name in ayurvedic and herbal products. OrthoZac oil is made up of pure ayurvedic herbs (आयुर्वेदिक जड़ी बूटी) i.e. Satvari, Kali Mushli, Rasna, Surjan Siri, Mirich, Kuth, Pudhina Satav, Kapoor, Ajwain, Mustard Oil, Til Oil, Tarpin Oil, Colove Oil, Nilgiri oil, L.L.P., Ratanjot etc. Every herbs has its own and unique effects at affective pain site. It is purely ayurvedic preparation, hence chances of side effect is minimum. Composition: Each 25 ml contains extract of: Satavari           1.25 gm Kali Mushli        0.75 gm Rasna            0.75...

Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional Supplements ------------------------------ Acidity - Amla, Aloe Vera Anti-Aging - Amla, L-Arginine, Colostrum, Protein Powder, Assure Night Cream Anaemia - Spirulina, Noni, Amla, Folic & Iron Arthritis, Joint Pains - Glucosamine, Calcium, Noni, Amla Asthma - Noni, Amla Blood Pressure - Flax oil, L-Arginine Body Resistance - Flax oil, Spirulina Broken Bones - Noni, Calcium Bone Health - Calcium, Amla, Invigo Protein Powder Cancer - Spirulina, Noni, Ganoderma, Amla, Protein Powder Child growth - Invigo Protein Powder, Colostrum Chronic Pains - L-Arginine Dandruff - Assure Hair oil, Assure D&D Shampoo Dental, Gum Problems - Noni, Amla, Calcium, Assure Tooth Paste, Assure Tooth Brush Detoxification - Spirulina, Neem, Amla, Ganoderma, Foot Patch, Slimming Capsules Diabetes - Noni, Neem, Spirulina, Colostrum, Amla, Flax oil, L-Arginine, Stevia Eczema - Spirulina, Neem, Noni, Aloe Vera Eye, Vision Impairment - Flax oil, Spirulina, Amla ...

घी से नहीं बढ़ता है वजन, और भी है कई फायदे

घी से नहीं बढ़ता है वजन , और भी है कई फायदे आयुर्वेद में गाय के घी को अमृत माना गया है। गाय का घी बिल्कुल शुद्ध होता है और इससे कई तरह की बीमारियां दूर होती है। इसका नियमित सेवन आपकी सेहत के लिए फायदेमंद होता है। जानिए , घी के फायदों के बारे में - 1. माइग्रेन : दो बूंद देसी गाय का घी नाक में सुबह - शाम डालने से माइग्रेन व नजले की तकलीफ में आराम मिलता है। 2. सिरदर्द और अनिद्रा : सिरदर्द होने पर गाय के घी की मालिश पैरों के तलवों पर करें। हाथ - पैर में जलन व अनिद्रा की समस्या हो तो भी घी   की तलवों पर मालिश करें। 3. तेज दिमाग : फफोलों पर देसी घी लगाने से आराम मिलता है। नाक में घी डालने से खुश्की दूर होती है और दिमाग तरोताजा रहता है। 4. सर्दी - जुकाम : इस घी की छाती पर मालिश करने से बच्चों को जुकाम में लाभ होता है और कफ बाहर निकलता है। 5. एसिडिटी : अगर ज्यादा कमजोरी लगे तो एक गिलास दूध में एक चम्मच गाय का घी और म...

Six simple ways to smarter, healthier eating

Ditch whole milk: Not only does this reduce saturated fat in your diet, it shaves off calories. How: Switch to 1% or nonfat milk, and nonfat versions of other dairy products like yogurt and ice cream. Step down more slowly to 2% milk, then 1% en route to nonfat, if possible. Harness the power of nuts (and seeds): Almonds, cashews, filberts, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, and pistachios pack plenty of beneficial nutrients, including vitamin E, folic acid, potassium, and fiber. Although many nuts are high in fat, the fat is mainly unsaturated – a healthy choice. How: First, put nuts on the grocery list. Nuts are high in calories, so it’s best to enjoy them in place of other snacks, not in addition, and to keep serving sizes small. Taste food before you salt it: Break the autopilot habit of reaching for the salt shaker. How: For two days, don’t put any salt on your food at all. A short break can ...

How to reduce cholesterol at home

High cholesterol level problem is increasing day by day. High cholesterol level is major causes of Heart disease. Please keep your cholesterol level in check if want to live healthy. Here we are discussing about few household techniques to lower down your cholesterol level at home: Garlic is considered to be best remedy for lowering cholesterol level. Take raw garlic daily at morning empty stomach Eat 50 gm of raw Indian Aloe ( कच्चा ग्वारपाठा ). This will help you to take down cholesterol level. Eating germinated cereals provide benefits in high cholesterol level. Onion or garlic juice also provide great effect at high cholesterol level. Eat lemon and alma daily. It will reduce high cholesterol level. Don’t drink wine. Keep distance from all intoxificated products. Take half teaspoonful of Isapgol’s seed oil. Drink milk with mixing small amount of cinnamon. It will help in controlling high cholesterol level. Soak two teaspoonful of coriander in on...

Kidney Stone Home Remedies (पथरी के रामबाण घरेलू उपाय)

Kidney problems or a tone has become common nowadays. Due to  wrong  eating habits. When the salt and other minerals (which we are in the urine) come into contact with each other or if for some reason gets kidney concentrated pee inside small stones become hard objects such as that known as kidney stones. Kidney stones can be of different sizes. Only some stones like sand granules are small size, very large size also reported. Stone pain sometimes gets out of the stand. There is much difficulty to urinate and often stops urinating. Stone formation is not dependent of age, it can occur at any age. Here we give you some easy household tips about stones removing. * Coconut water is beneficial in the stones. Drink coconut water daily in kidney stone. * Bitter gourd way too bitter but in stone, this works like a panacea. Bitter gourd contains magnesium and phosphorous which help to stop stone formation. * One teaspoon cardamom, 15 grain large melon seed kernel a...

Two Products to avoid if you want Good Sperm Count

Caffeine: Few researchers suggest caffeine doesn’t have direct impact at sperm count but according to one research in USA finds the effect of Caffeine in pregnancy with the help of IVF. Both partners have to reduce their caffeine consumption. They should drink less than one cup coffee per day. Directly or indirectly it indicates caffeine effect sperm count. Soft Drinks: Artificial sugar Aspartame used in soft drinks makes effect on sperm counts. It also spoils the quality and DNA of Sperms. You should avoid full fat and high sugar drinks. One research suggest that drinking excess soft drinks reduces sperm count.

एक्‍ने की समस्‍या से निपटने के लिए आजमायें आयुर्वेद

  युवावस्था में हार्मोंस में बदलाव के कारण होती है एक्‍ने की समस्‍या।     सिबेशस ग्रंथि की अति सक्रियता और हार्मोन के कारण होते हैं एक्‍ने।     गाय के ताजे दूध में चिरौंजी को पीसकर इसका लेप चेहरे पर लगायें।     चमेली के तेल को सुहागा में मिलाकर रात को सोने से पहले लगायें। अगर चेहरे पर मुंहासों के जैसे बहुत सारे दाने , हो जाएं और बहुत दिनों तक ठीक न हों तो जरा सावधान हो जाइए। यह एक्ने हो सकते हैं। एक्ने को आयुर्वेदिक उपचार से ठीक किया जा सकता है। दरअसल त्वचा के नीचे स्थित सिबेशस ग्लैंड्स से त्वचा को नम रखने के लिए एक तेल निकलता है। ये ग्रंथियां चेहरे , पीठ , छाती और कंधों पर सबसे ज्यादा होते हैं। अगर ये ज्यादा सक्रिय हो जाएं तो रोमछिद्र चिपचिपे होकर बंद हो जाते हैं और उनमें बैक्टीरिया पनपने लगते हैं जो आगे चलकर एक्ने का कारण बनते हैं। सिबेशस ग्लैंड्स की अति सक्रियता की प्रमुख वजह एंड्रोजन हार्मोन की अधिकता होती है। एंड्रोजन पुरुष सेक्स हार्मोन है और यह लड़के और लड़कियों दोनों में ही होता है। किशोरावस्था में इसका प्रभाव ज्यादा होता है। आइए हम ...