
Showing posts with the label home remedies for Healthy Heart

How to reduce cholesterol at home

High cholesterol level problem is increasing day by day. High cholesterol level is major causes of Heart disease. Please keep your cholesterol level in check if want to live healthy. Here we are discussing about few household techniques to lower down your cholesterol level at home: Garlic is considered to be best remedy for lowering cholesterol level. Take raw garlic daily at morning empty stomach Eat 50 gm of raw Indian Aloe ( कच्चा ग्वारपाठा ). This will help you to take down cholesterol level. Eating germinated cereals provide benefits in high cholesterol level. Onion or garlic juice also provide great effect at high cholesterol level. Eat lemon and alma daily. It will reduce high cholesterol level. Don’t drink wine. Keep distance from all intoxificated products. Take half teaspoonful of Isapgol’s seed oil. Drink milk with mixing small amount of cinnamon. It will help in controlling high cholesterol level. Soak two teaspoonful of coriander in on...

हाई ब्‍लड प्रेशर के लिए घरेलू नुस्‍खे

हाई ब्‍लड प्रेशर के लिए घरेलू नुस्‍खे हाई ब्लड प्रेशर आजकल सामान्य हो चला है। इसकी बड़ी वजह अनियमित दिनचर्या और आधुनिक जीवन शैली है। ग्रामीण इलाकों की तुलना में शहरी लोग अधिक तेजी से इसके शिकार हो रहे हैं। हाई ब्लड प्रेशर में चक्कर आने लगते हैं , सिर घूमने लगता है। रोगी का किसी काम में मन नहीं लगता। उसमें शारीरिक काम करने की क्षमता नहीं रहती और रोगी अनिद्रा का शिकार रहता है। इस रोग का घरेलू उपचार भी संभव है , जिनके सावधानीपूर्वक इस्तेमाल करने से बिना दवाई लिए इस भयंकर बीमारी पर पूर्णत: नियंत्रण पाया जा सकता है। जरूरत है संयमपूर्वक नियम पालन की। आइए जानें हाई ब्लड प्रेशर के लिए घरेलू उपाय। हाई ब्लड प्रेशर के लिए घरेलू उपाय 1) नमक ब्लड प्रेशर बढाने वाला प्रमुख कारक है। इसलिए यह बात सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है कि हाई बी पी वालों को नमक का प्रयोग कम कर देना चाहिए। 2) उच्च रक्तचाप का एक प्रमुख कारण होता है रक्त का गाढा होना। रक्त गाढा होने से उसका प्रवाह धीमा हो जाता है। इससे धमनियों और शिराओं में दवाब बढ जाता है। लहसुन ब्लड प्रेशर ठीक करने में बहुत मददगार घरेलू उपाय है। यह रक्त का थक्का...


AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT – It is extremely important before starting the treatment if we know if there is any cause for the high blood pressure. The treatment aimed at removing the cause would be the most successful one. There are many herbs which act in different ways to control or lower down the high values of the blood pressure. Few of them are — PUNARNAVA – this is a herb having two varieties, red and white. The red one is called Boerhavia diffusa and it is extremely useful in these cases. this herb has a special action on the kidneys to normalize their physiology and because the main control system for the blood pressure is through the enzyme renin secreted by the kidneys, so it helps to bring the high blood pressure to normal. SHANKHAPUSHPI – this a herb very famous usually as a memory booster but it specifically act through the nervous system and acts on the baroreceptors in the carotid veins and brings them to their normal physiology so that they are ale to cont...

What to do to prevent from heart and coronary artery disease

Heart problem is becoming worldwide problem. Number of patients suffering from heart disease is increasing day by day. Treatment of heart diseases is expensive and lifelong. It is better to prevent than cure. Here we are discussing health tips for preventing heart diseases: Items Required: Lemon Ginger Garlic Apple How to prepare best remedy for prevention for healthy heart: Take: Lemon juice: 1 cup Ginger juice; 1 cup Garlic Juice 1 cup Apple juice: 1 cup Mix all and warm it at low flames till 3 cup of liquid remained. Keep it to cool. Mix 3 cups of honey in this mixture. Fill it in bottle and take 1 to 2 teaspoonful daily in morning and evening… Best Herbal Products Links BestHerbal/Ayurvedic Liver Tonic Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Uterine/cordial Tonic Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Sexual capsule and oil Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Pain relief capsules and oil Best Herbal/Ayurvedic Alkaliser syrup Best Herbal/Ayurvedic stone tablet and  Tonic Best Herbal/Ayur...

Ayurvedic Treatment of high Cholesterol level

ये याद रखिये की भारत मैं सबसे ज्यादा मौते कोलस्ट्रोल बढ़ने के कारण हार्ट अटैक से होती हैं। आप खुद अपने ही घर मैं ऐसे बहुत से लोगो को जानते होंगे जिनका वजन व कोलस्ट्रोल बढ़ा हुआ हे। अमेरिका की कईं बड़ी बड़ी कंपनिया भारत मैं दिल के रोगियों (heart patients) को अरबों की दवाई बेच रही हैं ! लेकिन अगर आपको कोई तकलीफ हुई तो डॉक्टर कहेगा angioplasty (एन्जीओप्लास्टी) करवाओ। इस ऑपरेशन मे डॉक्टर दिल की नली में एक spring डालते हैं जिसे stent कहते हैं। यह stent अमेरिका में बनता है और इसका cost of production सिर्फ 3 डॉलर (रू.150-180) है। इसी stent को भारत मे लाकर 3-5 लाख रूपए मे बेचा जाता है व आपको लूटा जाता है। डॉक्टरों को लाखों रूपए का commission मिलता है इसलिए व आपसे बार बार कहता है कि angioplasty करवाओ। Cholestrol, BP ya heart attack आने की मुख्य वजह है, Angioplasty ऑपरेशन। यह कभी किसी का सफल नहीं होता। क्यूँकी डॉक्टर, जो spring दिल की नली मे डालता है वह बिलकुल pen की spring की तरह होती है। कुछ ही महीनो में उस spring की दोनों साइडों पर आगे व पीछे blockage (cholestrol व fa...

How to reduce fat naturally at home?

Obesity is now become worldwide problem. Obesity is also source of many diseases. High blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, heart attack, insomnia etc diseases occur due to obesity. We can prevent obesity by healthy eating but if you are overweight and fighting with obesity then you should try following home remedies to reduce obesity with daily exercise. These will give you definite result at regular use: Ø   Add half lemon juice in one glass warm water. Then add honey in it. It will increase your metabolism and helps in burn fat. Ø   Cut ginger in two pieces and boil in one cup water. Keep boiling for 10 minutes. Drink this water like tea. Helps in reducing fat. Ø   Garlic has fat removing properties. Take three pieces of garlic with one cup of lemon water. Ø    Omega 3 fatty acid is helpful in burning fat. Almond is good source of omega 3 fatty acid. Put 6-8 almonds daily in water at night and eat in next morning after unpeeling. Ø   ...

Arjunarishta: Natural Heart Tonic

Arjunrishta is well known ayurvedic liquid preparation mainly used for heart and respiratory disorders. Main ingredient of Arjunarishita is “Arjuna” which is very good heart tonic. Arjunarshta contains 6-12% self generated alcohol. Ingredients: Main ingredients of Arjunarishta are as followings: Terminalia Arjuna – Stem Bark Dry Grapes (Mrudvika) Madhuca Indica (Madhuka) Woodfodia fruticosa (Dhataki) Jaggery (Guda) Arjunarhista Uses: Arjunarishta is useful in chest injury, weakness, respiratory diseases, tiredness, cough and throat related diseases. Mainly Arjunarishta is used as herbal cardiac tonic. It is also used in intestine disorders. Caution:  Arjunarishta should be taken under profession advice and supervision. Assumptions regarding use should be avoided. Side effects: There is no known side effects of Arjunarishta if it is taken under profession advice. Doses: 12-24 ml. one or two times a day after food or as directe...

How to prevent getting lifestyle diseases including heart attack ?

Firstly we have to understand the difference between lifestyle disorders and infectious diseases. To treat infectious disease is somewhat easy to treat as compare to lifestyle diseases or disorders. Wild animals do not get heart attack, blood pressure, diabetes or stroke because these are life style disorders. But when come to pet animals and Zoo animals --- these diseases can occur. The biggest problem --- we don’t have any cure for most of lifestyle disorders. How can we treat these diseases? For bacterial and viral infections, we can research at their activity toward antibacterial or antiviral drugs. For lifestyle disorders --- we can only say --- prevention is better than cure. Now, toughest challenge -- how can we prevent from these diseases or disorders? Everyone has their own remedies and advices for this. But whether it work or not – we can’t say. Most of lifestyle disorders are linked with obesity and obesity is linked with our diet and work. In our g...

The Science of Hygiene

The Science of Hygiene All of us are taught about hygienic living and this subject should be included as a chapter in the curriculum of every school. There are many different kinds of hygiene. Respiratory hygiene: To prevent cross infection, specifically, from flu and related respiratory illness. One should be at a distance of minimum 3 ft, from a person who is coughing, sneezing or singing. Most respiratory particles are more than 5 microns in size and do not travel a distance of more than 3 ft. This may be one reason why in the ancient times, sneezing was considered a bad omen and people were asked to stay away for few seconds from someone who sneezes in front of them. This respiratory hygiene, however, will not prevent transmission of tuberculosis whose bacteria are less than 5 microns which keeps circulating in the area. Hand hygiene: This is the fundamental principle for any disease prevention and the catch phrase is "before and after", which means – one...