Triphala (त्रिफला) Churna : Daily Triphala, Forget Diseases

Triphala (त्रिफला) Churna is very common name in Indian Society. Triphala Churna is very effective and power preparation used in ayurvedic system of medicine. Now Triphala Churna is selling as OTC products.
Before use one should know about Triphala Churna and why it is highly prescribed and used.
Triphala is a Sanskrit name means three fruits. As indicated by its name Triphala contains a mixture of three herbs known as  Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki(Terminalia chebula).
Main use of Triphala Churna is for digestive system. It is also known as Care taker of internal organs. Three ingredients used for preparing for Triphala churna can also be used individually.
Ø  Amalaki: Amalaki is a very potent rejuvenator for internal organs and tissues. It produces cooling effect, used in pitta dosha treatment. It also removes toxins from the body naturally, cleanse body’s internal organs.

Ø  Bhibhitaki: Bhibhitaki has good laxative action, relieves cough, good for eyes, improve hair growth,relieves worm infections and a lot of other good health effects.

Ø  Haritaki: Haritaki is useful in skin diseases, heart diseases, inflammation, abdominal tumor, bleeding of abdomen, liver diseases, anemia, delirium, diabetic, piles, fever, and disease due to Kapha Dosha etc.

Health Benefits for Triphala Churna is as follows:
ü  Body immune system stimulation
ü  Digestive System stimulation
ü  Used as mild laxative, provide relief from constipation
ü  Removes body toxins, used as gastrointestinal cleanser
ü  In diabetic
ü  In eye disease
ü  Powerful antioxidant effect
ü  Strengthen brain cells
ü  Hair growth
ü  Weight loss
ü  Weight gain
Triphala Churna provides all benefits to you without any side effects and chemicals. It’s totally ayurvedic preparation, so totally natural.
Triphala churna can be used by diseased as well as by the healthy person. Those students that are unable to concentrate at study, Triphala Churna may be better option because it strengthen brain cell and helpful in relieving stress.
Ø  Dose: Normally dose of Triphala Churna is 1-2 spoonfuls after 30-45 minutes after having dinner or before going to bed or as may be directed by physician.

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