Few Common things between nature and human body.
Nature and our body
have everything in common, we only need to understand one from both and picture
will be clear for other. Here we are trying to find few similarities between
1. First thing that is
common between human body and nature is their way of working. Both things work
2. Both have complexity in structure, simplicity
in work.
3. Diseases are
indication for something is wrong with body system. Likewise natural disasters
are indications for problem with nature.
4. Body and Nature both
have perfect healing process.
5. Body and Nature both
have tendency to reject external objects.
6. Our body internal
system works 24*7 as same in case of nature.
7. Excessive exploitation
leads to disaster.
8. Chemicals and
unnatural products cause danger in both cases.
9. Firstly body tries to
remove virus or infection, then to treat, if fails, then you see the outcome.
The same in case of nature.
We can correlate number
of similarities. But if we think in broad way, you will not find a single
difference between them.
If we want to study
how Nature works, we have to learn about body or vice-versa.
So, Respect your
Nature, Respect your Body.
Both look peaceful
but they are not. They are most disturbed and busy things.
Live Healthy, Live
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