Foods that should not with taken with each other…

According to Charak Samitha, we are mentioning few foods that should be avoided while having other.

Ø Don’t drink milk with Fish because of great obstruction of channels, contradictory Virya causes vitiation of blood.

Ø Milk with Cilacima fish cause disorders of blood or constipation or may lead to dead.

Ø Meat with honey, sesamum, jaggery, milk, black gram, radish, lotus stalk, germinated grains. This combination may cause deafness, blindness, tremors, coldness, indistinct voice, nasal voice or death.

Ø After eating radish, garlic, sigru, arjaka, tulsi, one should avoid drinking milk because it may lead toward risk of laprosy or any other skin disease.

Ø Potherb of puskara or rohini or meat of pigeon fried in mustard oil should avoid with honey or milk, can cause obstruction of blood circulation, epilepsy, sankhaka, goiter, rohini or death.

Ø Potherb of jatuka or ripe fruits of nikuca with honey or milk should also be avoided.

Ø Ripe fruits of nikuca are antagonist with black gram, pulses, jiggery and ghee.

Ø Milk is antagonist with kangu, vanaka, makusthaka, kulattha, black gram ans nispava. Milk is also antagonist with all sour substance and fruits (except purely sweet) and should be avoided.

Ø Person afflicated by heat should not take hot honey. It can lead to death.

Ø Honey with equal quantity of milk or hot water or any quantity of lotus seed or rain water, acts as antagonist with each other.

Ø  One should not take curd (yogurt) at night.

Above combinations are few in list. You should avoid these combinations at any cost to stay healthy and live disease free life.

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Keywords: Food, Avoid, Combinations, Food Antagonists.


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