Major causes of Liver injuries and Liver Damages…

Conventional medications continue to be major contributing factor of liver injury, a 10-year study by investigators found. But dietary supplements (HDS) cases are growing at nearly threefold faster of liver injuries.

Products used for bodybuilding contains a common type of HDS causing liver abnormalities, the investigators reported (Hepatology 2014:60:1399-1408).Most of liver transplantation and death were seen in patients who ingested non-body building formulations. Middle-aged women were on at most risk for liver transplantation.

Most of conventional drugs cause damage to liver cells. Nimuslide and paracetamol are very common name that effect at liver.  Nimuslide is banned for Under 12 years children’s in India and paracetamol’s dose has been reduced to 325 mg for combinations due to their effect at Liver. These molecules sale with label that overdoses of paracetamol may damage liver.

Increase in liver diseases problem’s main cause is using of drugs in uncontrolled manner.

Kidneys and liver are very sensitive organs and play main role when come to drug secretion and metabolism. So, both organs come with direct effect by drugs. Antibiotics also make pressure on these organs.

Drug consumption should be done with caution and only when it is necessary. Drug is drug whether it is herbal or it is allopathic or nutrition. It can’t be used like food.

Use medicine when it is necessary to take. Otherwise if you want to live with healthy liver, avoid medicine for minor problems.

Stay healthy, Stay fit…

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