Capsicum (Chillies)

Capsicum is also known as Cayenne pepper.
Biologically, Capsicum is dried ripe fruits of Capsicum annum Linn. belonging to the family Solanaceae.

Chillies is found throughout India and other tropical regions such as East Africa and West Africa. Chillies are best grown in warm and humid climate with dry weather during maturity period.

It is dull orange red to brownish red in color with pungent taste. Main chemical constituent of Capsicum is capsaicin which is volatile above 65 degree calculus temperature.


  • It is used as a Carminative.
  • It is used as an appetizer.
  • It is used as a stomachic.
  • It is main constituents of food as spices.
  • Externally, it is used in the treatment of rheumatism, lumbago and neuralgia.


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