How to prevent getting lifestyle diseases including heart attack ?
Firstly we have to understand the difference between lifestyle disorders and infectious diseases. To treat infectious disease is somewhat easy to treat as compare to lifestyle diseases or disorders. Wild animals do not get heart attack, blood pressure, diabetes or stroke because these are life style disorders. But when come to pet animals and Zoo animals --- these diseases can occur. The biggest problem --- we don’t have any cure for most of lifestyle disorders. How can we treat these diseases? For bacterial and viral infections, we can research at their activity toward antibacterial or antiviral drugs. For lifestyle disorders --- we can only say --- prevention is better than cure. Now, toughest challenge -- how can we prevent from these diseases or disorders? Everyone has their own remedies and advices for this. But whether it work or not – we can’t say. Most of lifestyle disorders are linked with obesity and obesity is linked with our diet and work. In our g...