
Home/Ayurvedic treatment of Constipation

Home/Ayurvedic treatment of Constipation: Constipation is considered as mother of all diseases. Eating healthy is important but that should be digested easily and purely, and wastage should be easily come out from body. This process keeps human healthy and prevents from diseases. We take medication regularly to get relief from constipation. But in our kitchen, all remedies are available that prevents constipation. So, why to take medication while we prevent constipation easily? Try out following home remedies to keep it easy in morning. 1.     Fully ripped tomato juice gives relief in old constipation and also provides strengths to the intestine. 2.     Take 1 to 2 teaspoonful of Linseed seed before sleep at night will clear your stomach. 3.     Put Anjir in water overnight and eat it empty stomach clears the stomach 4.     Carrot’s juice prevents constipation if drinks daily. It also prevents from Piles. ...

चर्म रोगनाशक दवा

त्वचा पर खुजली चलने , दाद हो जाने , फोड़े-फुंसी हो जाने पर खुजा-खुजाकर हाल बेहाल हो जाता है और लोगों के सामने शर्म भी आती है। यदि आप कोई क्रीम या दवा लगाना न चाहें या लगाने पर भी आराम न हो तो घर पर ही यह चर्म रोगनाशक तेल बनाकर लगाएँ , इससे यह व्याधियाँ दूर हो जाती हैं। तेल बनाने की विधि : नीम की छाल , चिरायता , हल्दी , लाल चन्दन , हरड़ , बहेड़ा , आँवला और अड़ूसे के पत्ते , सब समान मात्रा में। तिल्ली का तेल आवश्यक मात्रा में। सब आठों द्रव्यों को 5-6 घंटे तक पानी में भिगोकर निकाल लें और पीसकर कल्क बना लें। पीठी से चार गुनी मात्रा में तिल का तेल और तेल से चार गुनी मात्रा में पानी लेकर मिलाकर एक बड़े बरतन में डाल दें। इसे मंदी आंच पर इतनी देर तक उबालें कि पानी जल जाए सिर्फ तेल बचे। इस तेल को शीशी में भरकर रख लें। जहाँ भी खुजली चलती हो , दाद हो वहाँ या पूरे शरीर पर इस तेल की मलिश करें। यह तेल चमत्कारी प्रभाव करता है। लाभ होने तक यह मालिश जारी रखें , मालिश स्नान से पहले या सोते समय करें और चमत्कार देखें।

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How to reduce fat naturally at home?

Obesity is now become worldwide problem. Obesity is also source of many diseases. High blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, heart attack, insomnia etc diseases occur due to obesity. We can prevent obesity by healthy eating but if you are overweight and fighting with obesity then you should try following home remedies to reduce obesity with daily exercise. These will give you definite result at regular use: Ø   Add half lemon juice in one glass warm water. Then add honey in it. It will increase your metabolism and helps in burn fat. Ø   Cut ginger in two pieces and boil in one cup water. Keep boiling for 10 minutes. Drink this water like tea. Helps in reducing fat. Ø   Garlic has fat removing properties. Take three pieces of garlic with one cup of lemon water. Ø    Omega 3 fatty acid is helpful in burning fat. Almond is good source of omega 3 fatty acid. Put 6-8 almonds daily in water at night and eat in next morning after unpeeling. Ø   ...

How to prepare Detox Tea for reducing weight?

Detoxification is a process of removal of toxin from body. Detoxification is one of important part in ayurvedic treatment, known as Sudhikaran. Detoxification helps in treating or curing number of diseases in body. Detoxification also plays important role in weight lose. Here, we are discussing about preparing detox tea for weight lose. It may helpful in decreasing your weight, hence maintaining your health. How to prepare Detox Tea for reducing weight? Boil 5 cup of water in the morning. Take half teaspoonful of  Whole cumin seeds, Whole coriander seeds, and Whole fennel seeds and add into boiled water. Boil it for 5 minute with the lid on. Filter this decoction into a thermos. Strain out the seeds and finally Detox tea is ready for use. Benefits of Detox Tea in weight loss: One of most popular benefit of this tea is weight loss. Ingredients used in preparation of detox tea increases digeation, break fatdown, etc.Tea should be prepared daily and should ...

Pain and type of Pain

According to WHO (World Health Organization), “Pain is an unpleasant sensory or emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage”. Pain is signals sent by our nervous system that something is wrong happening with us. It is an unpleasant feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli. Pain is symptoms of most of medical problems occur to a person. It helps in recognizing a problem that need prompt and urgent attention, otherwise it can cause seriously damage to our body. Once problem is resolved, pain will be disappeared. Duration and frequency of pain may vary according to person and situation. It may be sharp or dull in feeling. It may be come and go type or it may be constant in duration and frequency. Pain can affect any part of our body. It may feel in back, neck, arms or other parts individually or may feel in whole body altogether. Pain can be divided into two categories: ·    ...

How to get fresh and shining skin with your kitchen item?

Using expensive skin lotions and products is not necessary to get glowing skin. Most of skin products contain highly dangerous chemicals that can cause skin cancer, and effects the normal functioning of skin. In starting these products can give excellence result but after regular use, you will only find dry and rough skin. Here we are providing few nature remedies for your glowing skin. These remedies not only provide you better results even these are safe and without any side effects at your skin: Ø   Mix milk and Arnadi oil in equal quantity and give gently massage to whole body. This massage will provide glowing skin. Ø   Two spoons of honey, juice of half a lemon, ½ teaspoons of sugar. Apply this on the face and once it is dry wash it off. This acts like a cleanser and a scrub. After this apply one small spoon of Almond oil mixed with a spoon of milk cream. Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash off. For those above 35 years, use a little more oil. Ø ...